Alek Leyland

“The best preparation for tomorrow is by doing your best today.”

– H.Jackson Brown JR

About Alek

With 15+ years of consistent weight training incorporating various methods of hypertrophy and strength and conditioning as well as competing in Powerlifting and Strongman, Alek understands the correct training principles for those looking to build strength or improve body composition, regardless of current training level.

He has been working as a Personal Trainer for 9+ years and he aims to share the vast array of knowledge that he has accumulated over that time with his clients and help them realise their potential and push their boundaries. He tailor-makes his programming based on each client’s individual needs.

Expect to be led through a journey that will see you hitting PB after PB whilst constantly learning, improving and having fun throughout the process!

  • Strength and Hypertrophy
  • Body Composition
  • Conditioning
  • Muscular Endurance Training
  • Powerlifting Training and Competition Prep

training philosophy

Rome was not built in a day. My philosophy is that we need to develop a plan, use the correct materials, lay the foundations and over time continually build and work towards developing something truly great. I specialise in lifting technique which not only means my clients train safely but also as effectively and efficiently as possible where making progress to their physique or performance goals are concerned.

education, experience & achievements

  • Cert III & IV in Personal Training
  • Cert IV in GP Exercise Referral
  • Qualified Personal Trainer for 9+ years
  • Competitive Powerlifter, 2nd Place at the USAPL Australia Championships 2022
  • Competitive Strongman U90kg
  • Previously Liverpool FC Academy football player

4 fun facts

  1. I climbed the highest mountain in Wales, Mount Snowdon, when I was 6 and have aimed to walk dizzying heights ever since.
  2. I was a Liverpool FC season ticket holder all my life and gave it up to move to Australia!
  3. I was an Elite Level Goalkeeper growing up and played for Liverpool FC Youth team.
  4. I am a qualified Carpenter




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